dry brushing shower brush
Daily Dry Brushing Technique

While dry brushing isn’t new, the health benefits are.

We’ve learned from years of research about all the results a simple, inexpensive, quick yet invigorating self-care routine of dry brushing provides our overall health.

Daily Technique: before turning on your morning shower, step into your tub and brush your entire body from head to toe beginning with your shoulders and ending with the soles of your feet. Brush lightly in areas of thin skin and harder where there’s thick skin. If you’re looking for more specific instructions on how to dry brush daily, follow this link and scroll down halfway.

Dry Brushing Shower Brush:

  • detoxification of the skin
  • helps shed dead skin cells
  • encourages new cell renewal
  • smoother and brighter skin
  • deter pesky ingrown hairs
  • vascular blood circulation
  • lymphatic drainage
  • tightens skin
  • discourages cellulite (scrub areas for 5 – 10 minutes)
  • when you’re feeling sick, dry brush 2x a day for immune support

Book your next spa appointment online and shop our Welcome Boutique for your own dry shower brush (with Beeline Skincare glycerin + loofa soaps and Eminence Organic Skin Care’s apricot oil) on your way out. Paired together, it’ll be heaven at home every morning.


Check our Spa Menu and Spa Policies pages for current offerings and prices.